Good Levels can Cheer you Up

Omega-3 EFAs support a healthy brain, and magnesium helps you feel calm and relax. If you're feeling down, try supplements with these minerals as well as Vitamin D, as deficiencies in these areas have shown links to feelings of depression.

Harvest Season

Take advantage of the harvest of the season. Ripe, fresh vegetables and fruits boast more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Apples, corn, pumpkin, and other squash and roots are autumn harvests.

Fend off Colds

If you feel yourself beginning to come down with a cold this winter, be sure to boost your immune system with Vitamin C and Zinc. Also increase your water intake to help your body's natural defences.


In the winter months it can be hard to come by ripe bananas, cantaloupe, or oranges in order to reap the greatest benefits. Find a potassium supplement to help reduce your risk for high blood pressure.

Absorbing Vitamins

We cannot produce our own vitamins, therefore need to intake them; minerals help vitamins do their jobs. Fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K, can be stored in the body, but Water-soluble vitamins like B, C, and folic acid are passed quickly and can be lost through cooking.
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